+44 7483 840515 

Who are we? Environmental Monitoring provide testing equipment(for sales and hire), services and training. If your uncertain what equipment or method you may need to perform monitoring, please ask the question. click here to ask a question!  EM-Monitors have provided the UK with the majority of its manual chimney stack sampling systems. We have supplied continuous emission monitoring equipment for world wide gas turbine emission mapping.  Plus countless numbers of workplace dust monitoring kits and training Environmental Monitoring also work with both consultants, manufacturers and end user to understand their application and provide the best monitoring solutions. This may be in the field of :  Landfill and Remediation Monitoring Air Quality Monitoring Indoor Air Quality Monitoring VOC Monitoring   What makes Environmental Monitoring unique in the service they provide. Is that we come from an environmental testing background and understand the nature of testing.    Why do we need good Air Quality?  

The quality of the air we breath is fundamental to our good health and wellbeing. 
On average each person inhales around 14,000 litres of air every day and the presence of contaminants in that air can adversely affect people’s health. Anyone with pre -existing respiratory and heart conditions, diabetes, the young and older people are particularly vulnerable. 
Several international studies have also shown that poor Air Quality can also adversely affect the natural environment. Ecological damage may occur when air pollutants come into direct contact with vegetation or when animals inhale them. Air pollutants can also settle on land and water bodies. From the soil they can wash into waterways or be taken up by plants and animals. Poor Air Quality is also known to affect our climate, some pollutants have a warming effect whilst others contribute to cooling (study by the European Environment Agency 2013). 
The affect of poor Air Quality on human health and our Environment can, in turn have a negative impact on our economy ie costs related to; hospitalisation and medical treatment, premature deaths and loss of workdays. Damage to top-soils, vegetation and waterways may reduce the productivity and cost of our agriculture and forestry industries. Not forgetting the cost of corroded buildings which need to be repaired. 





HIVE™ Air Quality 

HIVE™ Vibration 

Air Quality accessories 

Vibration accessories 

Honeycomb Web Platform 

Oizom Envizom Platform 

Bi3 Web Platform